Over the next few weeks, Molly - the Americorps VISTA at Catholic Charities - will be working hard to answer these questions. For now, she has compiled a tentative timeline:

Week of March 29 -- Test soil, second general interest meeting

Week of April 5 -- Garden Board applications are due

Week of April 12 -- Bring manure and compost to garden site, rototill land

Week of April 19 -- Put up deer netting, raised beds, and compost bins

Week of April 26 -- Start planting!
Can you help?
Do you know of anyone near the garden site who has the equipment to plow/rototill? The Department of Social Services can provide the manpower to prepare the land, but they do not have the necessary equipment. We have left several messages for BOCES regarding their agriculture equipment, but have not recieved a response. Any leads? E-mail Molly at: MKerker@dor.org